“For years, I’ve longed for God to show me how I could combine engineering with Christian mission. I can’t quite believe that God has given me this opportunity; to serve the least reached using the skills that He has given me,” shared Josh.

It was the teaching in the Sermon on the Mount – the enormity of Jesus’ words explained so clearly by a kid’s ministry leader at a Keswick Convention when Josh was 12 – that shattered his young worldview. A conscientious child, he’d always strived to do better, to be better, to earn God’s love and approval. But in that tent at Keswick, the truth hit home. The bar was too high. There was nothing he could do.

But Jesus had done it all – the message of the cross suddenly meant everything, “I realised how much I needed Jesus,” Josh recalls.

This revelation would continue to shape his life and decision-making. Josh could not contain the compelling realisation that the message of the cross was not only for him; that there were billions in the world who had never heard the name of Jesus, and remained unaware of their need for Him.

Combining passions for His kingdom

University was a season for Josh to deepen in faith and pursue his fascination and passion for engineering. But how could the two – his desire to share the truth of the Gospel with those who don’t know their need for Jesus, and his years of training in engineering sit together?

“I spent much of my fourth-year despairing as to whether I really wanted to continue engineering!” Josh shares. But in the midst of his questioning he read a book - Scatter by Andrew Scott - which spoke to him about the role of the global marketplace in Gospel growth.

“God stepped in,” Josh recalls, “reminding me how He can bring together all of life – all our passions and skills – and use them for His Kingdom.”

An innovative project in Ukraine first captured Josh’s imagination when he was on a short-term trip in 2017. He was introduced to Wayne, the country leader, with whom he shared a number of interests, including engineering.

In recent years Wayne has pioneered a series of innovative projects to start tackling problems of sustainability in his local community whilst engaging locals with the Gospel. His current project is the development of equipment to convert plastic waste into a usable fuel (liquid and gas) though a process called pyrolysis.

“This project is already impacting the community by creating jobs and facing the reality of the enormous plastic problem,” Josh shares – you can sense his excitement. “Most importantly it’s creating Gospel opportunities through the numerous relationships formed.”

“Ever since this trip, I have had a yearning to return to a place where I saw a clear answer to my prayers regarding combining my skills with mission.” Having recently graduated, Josh has grasped the opportunity to go back to Ukraine and spend a year supporting the pyrolysis project.

He plans to return to the UK following this, “I want to build on my skills in a professional environment, so that I have more to offer working on such projects in the future”, he shares, aware of the value of professional excellence in the mission field.

“This calling is not just for me,” he adds. “I long for others, students and professionals, to see how God can weave together opportunities to use their skills while sharing the urgent message of the Gospel.”

Engineer? Teacher? Chef? Graphic Designer?

Whatever your expertise, you don’t have to set aside your training to serve God among the least reached.

From a student placement year as an engineer on board OM’s ship Logos Hope, to working as a Midwife in the Arabian Peninsular, there are many opportunities to connect your passions with a deep desire to see people come to know Jesus. 

Find out more about using your profession in mission. Contact us at [email protected]