The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. —Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Pray that war would cease and for justice and righteousness to be seen. Pray for leaders around the world to act with wisdom and compassion. Pray that those in need would find refuge and strength in the Lord. Pray for God's peace and protection on those in danger, experiencing fear, or grieving.

Alongside the humanitarian effort that OM are involved in on the ground aiding refugees in Ukraine and surrounding countries, we want to join with believers around the world and pray. 

Find things to pray for in these videos:

Oh Lord, we cry out to You to draw near to the men, women and children in Ukraine, as well as those who have fled. We pray that You will work in this situation, and that many would experience the love of Jesus. Father, protect the vulnerable. We weep, Lord, and we know Your heart is broken for our very broken world.

Thank You!

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