This page has further links to some of the prayer resources available through OM and from other groups for you and your church.


Join people from every nation, praying for people in every nation.


Joshua Project exists to help you learn about and get involved with unreached peoples


Activating world-changing prayer for the lost

Prayer Resources for Children

Prayer Travellers seeks to help children and families pray for least-reached people groups around the world. We are so excited that you have picked up this resource to pray with your children!

Since 2020, OM teams have joined with the Children in Missions Network (CIMN) for their Global Day of Children Praying for the Unreached People Groups. It has been amazing to see children all around the world pray for those who do now know Christ!

Download Prayer Travellers

Prayer events with OM in the UK

We would also like to keep you informed when new prayer resources are released and about other prayer events which OM in the UK are holding. Please sign up to be kept informed below.

Sign up for prayer resources here