I have the opportunity to go on Short term mission trip to Zimbabwe with my son Joseff, who is now studying medicine in Nottingham. He has been on a few mission trips already with OM. We went to Transform together in Greece in 2019 when he was 16 yrs old. It was really transformational for him, the first time to see so many people worshipping and serving the Lord from many nations. Last year he went with 5 students from University to serve Ukrainian refugees in Poland.


I taught in Zimbabwe when I was 23 , and only came across the Tonga people at the end of my time there and was very saddened by their story of forced removal from their livelihood- the waters of the Zambezi river after the lake was formed.

In 2001 OM Zimbabwe were called to be involved long-term amongst the Tonga people and transform them with the Gospel of Christ. The medical work forms the foundation for the rest of the work amongst the Tonga, as it meets a very real need. The years of commitment and practical love demonstrated through this ministry has built strong relationships and won the respect of the community. Community development also focusses on farming, training, youth empowerment and pastoral work.

I have long since had a heart for this ministry and am delighted now to be able to actually go, and to finally meet the people. I want to see how they have adapted and how they really do manage in this very tough climate.

If you can support us with any amount this will be sent directly to the project They have needs for medical supplies ( $10,000 ) Equipment for the youth ($1,000) Seeds and silo bins for farming as well as dam repairs for irrigation ( $6,000) . This is the aspiration but any amount would be very welcome.

Ursula Conlong-Griffiths