
‘Jesus followers’ is a phrase that is used in OM media frequently. It’s part of our dialect as an organisation and crucial as a vibrant community of Jesus followers, but what does it really mean to be one?

Being Jesus followers means to be an active Christian, seeing/reading how Jesus acts, works and learning about His heart whilst walking hand in hand with His teaching.

In being Jesus followers, we need to do our best at being like Jesus. This means, loving like Jesus, doing what Jesus did, going where Jesus went, teach what Jesus taught and ultimately, to be a disciple.

Disciples in the Bible were the 12 followers of Jesus. They left everything they had to follow, learn and witness Him. The disciples are a great example of a vibrant community of Jesus followers!


Why don’t we just say Christians?

As easy as it may be to just say Christian, by saying that we are Jesus followers, it directly points us to actively endeavour Jesus’s perfect actions and to live for Him, with Him and through Him.


Jesus followers in OM

The core of our mission goes far beyond running a ship or going on travel adventures. Our platform provides a catalyst for God’s mission. Everything we do is directed towards enabling Jesus followers to take the gospel to the nations, seeing lives and communities transformed and bringing hope to the men, women and children who have never heard the name of Jesus, and what transformation that can bring to their lives.

Our mission statement says "We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached". It’s weaved into our understanding of OM’s Global Mission, the Bible and through God himself.


Want to be part of a big community of Jesus followers? TeenStreet is a weeklong summer camp for teens from all across the UK and beyond. We journey with churches and youth groups across the UK to inspire and equip teens to become disciple makers. By this we just mean equipping you to be confident in your faith and to be able to share it with friends!

Take a look!