Logos Hope has spent the last two years circumnavigating Latin America, collaborating with partner agencies on an unprecedented scale.

Pioneering an initiative to send 2,000 Latino believers into mission over the next decade, the multinational crew has shown local Christians what it’s like to venture out to serve God overseas. More than two million people visited Logos Hope during this time. Hundreds of outreaches were held in port cities and further inland. Time and again, ship teams heard the same reaction from churches: “We’ve been asleep! You have woken us up to the need for mission!”

The response across 11 countries from Mexico to Central and South America has been phenomenal, according to Roberto Façanha (Ecuador), who co-ordinated OM’s work throughout Latin America until recently. He says, “The ship coming was the impulse and encouragement we needed. Thousands are now willing to pray for the least reached, hundreds of churches and organisations are willing to send, and more than 8,000 people have signed up to explore God’s call to go to the mission field.” 105 Latino Christians are already in training or serving the Lord, on board Logos Hope or elsewhere around the world.

Crewmember Margot Pira (France) joined the ship two years ago, in Colombia.

“I didn’t understand why we visited churches, where people were already Christians,” she reflects. “I came to see that it’s by mobilising believers that the work will be done. In the churches we visited, the Holy Spirit was at work and hearts were being moved.”

In Panama, Jose Cardenas runs OM’s office. “Before the ship came, my wife and I were the team,” he says. “The visit of Logos Hope helped us to create momentum. Now, 10 people are working with us to mobilise Panamanians into mission to the least reached.”

Praise God for all he has done through the ministry of Logos Hope in Latin America, and for the legacy she leaves in her wake.