Africa is the second largest continent on earth, home to nearly 1.5 billion people. Around 731 million of them are women and girls, representing a diverse tapestry of cultures, traditions and languages.

Women of Impact Africa is working in 15 countries and over 50 communities to reach the most vulnerable and marginalised women in society with the love of Jesus, empowering them to be vibrant leaders in their communities. Larissa, who is part of the Women of Impact Africa team, shares the ministry’s vision. “We desire to see these women transformed spiritually and physically, that they are no longer multiplying the cycle of poverty and oppression, but living as vibrant followers of Jesus who are impacting their community.”


● 722 women and girls impacted in 2023.
● 56 communities impacted in 15 countries.
● 40+ new discovery groups formed (a group with some believers who meet regularly for Bible study and to support one another).
● 100 women have graduated from the disciple-making programme.


Women of Impact Africa is motivated by the love of Jesus. “All throughout history we have seen how Jesus values women,” says Larissa. “Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to a Samaritan woman and through her many people believed in Him. He let women sit at His feet to learn from Him and to anoint Him for burial, and when He rose from the dead, it was women that were the first to see and hear the good news. Women were together with Jesus throughout His ministry on earth.”


She continues, “The sad reality is that in our world today, millions of women have not heard about Jesus who values and loves them, and they are living under intense oppression.” Through initiatives such as skills training, micro-business groups and community outreach, Women of Impact Africa seeks to help indigenous women encounter Jesus and live out their God-given potential. A key part of the work is equipping women to be vibrant leaders so that they can be catalysts for transformation in their own communities. The ministry has seen 100 women graduate from its disciple-making training programme, 48 women trained in micro-business skills, and 112 women in ministry supported through online calls and in-person retreats. It is currently developing 26 women as indigenous leaders.

In the Sahel region, a woman who took part in the eight-day training course shares how it has equipped her to share Jesus’ love. “After the Women of Impact Disciple Making Training, I returned home and began praying and looking for women that were open to spiritual things. I discovered that most of the women in my community struggle to provide food for themselves and their families, and that I could use one of the practical skills I learnt in the training as a way to gather women together. I learnt how to make an insulated cooker. It’s like a slow cooker, but it doesn’t need electricity!”

She went on to start a discovery group with other women she met in her community, 96% of whom are Muslims. Through forming the group, she has seen their desire to know about Jesus grow.

Elsewhere, many women attend training sessions so that they can receive lessons about how to read and write. As a result, they often then go on to read the Bible and discover the freedom of living for God in vibrant communities.

One of the scriptures at the heart of Women of Impact Africa is Exodus 1:15–21, in which the courageous midwives deliver the Hebrew children in the face of persecution from Pharaoh. Women of Impact leaders often refer to the support that their ‘midwife’ has given them. When they talk about ‘midwives’, they are referring to the many women who are giving birth to new spiritual life: those who are bringing up new leaders, starting groups and teaching others God’s Word. Exodus 15:20 says, “God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.” Likewise, God is using spiritual ‘midwives’ in the movement to bring spiritual multiplication and help many other women encounter Jesus.

Women of Impact Africa is a testament to the power of Christ and community-driven change. But the need is still great. According to the Joshua Project, there are 700 million women in Africa who are completely unreached by Jesus. Will you help give every woman the opportunity to experience the love and freedom of Jesus?

Your gift today will help provide training and resources to raise up vibrant women leaders in 15 countries across Africa. Could you give a gift of £10, £25 or £50 to provide vital support?