God’s Spirit moves us to want to see His kingdom come. We draw close to God and the Spirit stirs something in us – a passion for those who are lost, and a restlessness and longing to be part of what God is doing in the world. We are so ready to go to the ends of the earth. But sometimes we get stuck.

It isn’t that we doubt God’s Kingdom will come – is coming – but we wonder how we can be involved, considering the twists and turns life has taken. And if we should count ourselves ready and up for the task – on days when we feel bold – we’re left wondering where should I start? Where do I fit in this great promise of Jesus that there will be witness of the gospel right to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:16-20)?

Could the first step actually be to stop? When we stop and look at our own stories - the journeys God has taken us on so far - we see that He has been there all along, shaping us into who we are today, preparing us for His mission and already using us for His purposes.

Our stories have meaning and our future takes shape when we see that they fit into His story – we are enveloped into a bigger, unfolding story.

I see my story in the unfaithfulness of the Israelites, the uncertainty of Moses, the sorrows of Hannah, the overconfidence of David, the joy of Miriam. I see my story in Martha’s distractions, Thomas’ doubt, Peter’s denial, Mary’s bended knee at the foot of the cross and her joy at the empty tomb.

And through it all I see our faithful God, who uses ordinary people to embrace others and draw them in to His Kingdom story.

Knowing our story, in His story, is at the heart of our effectiveness in world mission. As we confidently live in this reality – unperturbed by our doubt and failings – we live out God’s love and invite others in.

The Spirit moves us to want to see His kingdom come. Though our journey at REACH: the City we’re so ready to be a part of God’s mission. We stop, we discover, we pray, reflect, learn and grow, and find ourselves propelled forward.

OM has REACH programmes running all over the world, each one with its own unique style and ministry focus, but all grounded in the four key elements of training, practical experience, mentoring and cross-cultural community. Discover more about REACH below!