Series Overview

‘Church Street Crew’ is a 6-episode video series for primary school aged children, designed to be used by churches in online services or children’s ministry. It could also be used in a weekly club or enjoyed by any child watching at home. Each episode, lasting 12-14 minutes, follows the adventures of Aron, Hannah and Jake as they meet some of the people who live in their street, using a mix of puppets, animation, Bible stories and much more to teach children about God.

The series is designed for children at any stage of their faith journey. It starts with the basics: who God is, who Jesus is and what he has done for us. After explaining the importance of making a personal choice to follow Jesus, we explore what life as a Christian looks like. Finally, children are encouraged to tell their friends about this truth they have discovered.

Each episode has a range of additional fun activities for children to enjoy:

Fun Sheets

The fun sheets contain a range of activities that allow children to consolidate the information covered in each episode. There are two fun sheets available for different age groups: Blue (4-7 years) and Purple (8-11+ years).

Puzzle Sheets

The puzzle sheets for each age group have a range of puzzles to complete, connected to the story and themes covered in each video.


There are 3 different formats of the same multiple-choice quiz to use for each episode:

Video Quiz – The video version of the quiz asks the questions, gives multiple choice answers and allows time for the children to think and respond before revealing the correct answer. The video quiz can be used in online church services.

PowerPoint Quiz- This version of the quiz is designed to be interactive. The user will click on their answer for each question and will find out if they are correct or not. The PowerPoint version of the quiz is designed to be used by or individuals or groups working together.

Paper Quiz- The Paper Quiz is a printable version of the quiz that can be used by individuals or groups of children. The children will colour in which answer they think is correct for each question.

Colouring Sheets

There is a range of colouring sheets available of the main characters. These can be done at any time as they do not connect to any specific episode. Extra resources will be added in the future, so remember to check the website regularly.

If you would like to be informed when each Video is released, or access downloadable versions please click on the link below and let you know as soon as each video is available.

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