Dear team mate,

Every year, hundreds of millions of pounds are raised for charities in the UK by people being sponsored to do challenges.  Whether it is running a marathon, cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats, walking around the garden or even tipping freezing water over your head,  everyone from Comic Relief to MacMillan to Tearfund is benefiting from the fundraising initiatives.

Except OM here in the UK.  We have seen very few people undertake a challenge to raise money for OM and we would like to change that.

So this year we are asking the whole UK team to get involved in raising money for this movement and organisation that we are part of and that I hope we all believe in.

OM is doing incredible work all over the world to bring the Good News to the least reached as well as providing practical help and relief and support to many of those who are among the neediest on the planet. So why wouldn’t we want to raise more money to support all this great work?

Please read the attached document to find out what we are going to do this year to make a difference.

Everyone can get involved!

We are setting up 2 specific challenges – one involving climbing mountains and another involving running/ walking. But we would love to hear any other ideas that you might have to raise money through being sponsored to do a challenge.  Maybe you would prefer to cycle or swim or climb your stairs or bounce on a space hopper!

Lots more details to follow, but if you want to get involved, please let me know if you are prepared to take part in either the climbing or running/ walking challenge.

For most of us, it will require some training and preparation so It’s important to make a commitment as soon as possible to be ready for the challenge.

Also if you have friends/ family that you think might join in and help to raise funds for OM then please talk to them about it too.

Look out for more details in the coming days.

We can do this team! Let’s do something amazing this year.

God bless