Who can come on the OM Gap Year?  

The OM Gap Year is for 18-30s who love Jesus and want to grow in their walk with God.  
If you are not in this age bracket and would like to discover other opportunities to train in mission or serve on outreach with OM, click here.   

When does it start and end? 

The gap year journey starts on 18th September 2023 and has a flexible end in July or August.  
Where is it based?  
All over!  
You will spend the first six months based in [location] with two overseas outreaches (to places such as Poland, Serbia, and Moldova), followed by three months interrailing across Europe (exact route TBC). The last three months of your gap year will be spent with an OM ministry in location of your choice (see below for potential options).   

What does the gap year involve? 

Over the course of a year you will go on three journeys… 

Part 1 - REACH 

Dates: 18th September- 15th March 
Details: REACH offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission while helping you to deepen your relationship with God and to grow in discipleship. 
REACH is a six-month programme which includes training, preparation and at least two overseas outreaches which could include Poland, Serbia and/or Moldova. 
You will better understand God's heart for mission and you will be further equipped to effectively communicate the Gospel across cultures. it will give you skills for a disciplined devotional life, tools for ministry, a deeper understanding of yourself, as well as developing team building and leadership skills. 
Click here to hear from someone who has attended REACH. 

Part 2 - RACE  

Dates: 26th March- 17th May 

Details: You’ll start with team building, training, planning and preparation in the UK, and then head off to major cities in Europe with an Interrail pass, sharing about your faith on the way! While stopping at some OM ministries along the way, you’ll see and hear about the ways they are sharing the gospel, and have opportunities to be blessing to their communities. You'll likely be involved in ministry with the OM teams you visit, such as practical work, youth groups, street ministry, refugee ministry and personal evangelism. 
After weeks of travelling you’ll have some time debriefing, resting and receiving further training, and then you will return to the UK via other OM offices and major cities on interrail routes.  
Follow us on Instagram to hear live updates from those participating in Race Across Europe this summer.  

Part 3 - RESPOND  

Dates:  18th May – July/ August (depending on placement/ your future plans) 

Details: You will be able to choose from a selection of overseas short-term opportunities. Options may include serving on board an OM Ship (click here to read more about Ship Ministry), serving refugees in Serbia (click here from Lydia who runs this ministry) or  *****  
How much does it cost?  