David & Jan Arrowsmith Donate Logos Hope Schoolteachers My wife Jan and I are teachers and we are serving on the Logos Hope. After three years working with Operation Mobilisation on the Logos, I returned home in 1986, a changed person. I had seen God work and was determined that one day I would return to missions, hopefully with OM ships. In 2016 when the last of our children left university, my wife and I left our teaching jobs in the UK to work as volunteer teachers at a village for orphaned and vulnerable children near Durban, in South Africa. The four years at LIV village were a challenging, rewarding and thought-provoking experience that helped prepare us for life on board Logos Hope. In October 2020, 36 years after I left the original Logos, we joined Logos Hope. Jan is teaching in the school and we are hoping to use our skills and experience to see our Lord’s kingdom advance. We have made an initial commitment to serve for two years on the Logos Hope. You can contact us at: [email protected] Make a one-off Support Gift Set up a Regular Payment Thank you for your support for David & Jan Manage Cookie Preferences