Living out love in the midst of war In the heart of Ukraine’s eastern war zone, OM is partnering with two extremely courageous pastors – Vasili and Nikolai. Along with other individuals we are supporting in this war-torn region, they have made the brave choice to stay put for as long as they can to serve their communities and churches. Vasili and Nikolai are witnessing God moving in remarkable ways in the hearts of Ukrainians. People are hungry for hope and many are choosing to turn to Christ as they experience first-hand the peace of God within the Church. While missiles are in danger of striking anywhere at any time, pastors Vasili and Nikolai continue to make the choice to live out God’s love in both practical and relational ways. All of the volunteers and church members who served with Nikolai have recently fled as the risks and dangers from nearby Russian-occupied towns have become too great for them and their families. But Nikolai and Vasili refuse to leave those who remain. Vasili says, “When someone calls me and tells me they’ve been praying for me or they pray with me on the phone, and when I hear about the global Church and how they are praying for us here in Ukraine, I am encouraged.” Nikolai and Vasili are wonderful examples of what it truly means to live out love hour by hour, day by day, as they engage in conversations of hope, pray for those who are hurting and help transport families to safety when they make the difficult choice to leave their homes. Today, by praying and supporting our Christmas appeal, you can help us empower and equip many other brave and passionate Jesus followers to continue their work. Give to the Christmas Appeal Manage Cookie Preferences