When crises occur, local people respond first. Driven by a love for their neighbour, they instinctively reach out to help those whose lives have been devastated.

OM is present in over 147 countries. When disasters happen there is often a local OM office  or church partner nearby, with workers who are already immersed in serving surrounding communities; the local language is their mother-tongue, the culture is their own… they know the terrain, the needs, and the complexities of the situation. 

Rebecca* is one such worker, living and serving in her home country in the Sahel region of Africa.

When the war in Ukraine began to dramatically affect the cost of basic foods in her area, Rebecca was able to support those attending the women’s ministry she runs with essential supplies to help them through the crisis...


Supported by OM’s disaster response professionals and enabled by your donations to the Mercy Appeal, these local workers are best placed to help those around them. 

Aleem* serves with OM in Pakistan

"Every summer is monsoon season in my home country Pakistan.

Last year was no different, until the rain turned relentless at the end of July. A few days into the downpour, I began receiving calls from the villages where the OM team I lead serves. People were getting nervous and basic needs, such as food and shelter, were becoming a concern.
By day five of continuous rain, Pakistan had become a humanitarian crisis..."


Motivated by the love they have received in Jesus, OM workers respond with insight and cultural sensitivity to provide appropriate immediate responses and long-term solutions for those in need.

Aleem*, Rebecca* - are many like them - are Jesus followers who have been living out God’s love in profound ways amidst crises that have hit their homelands. The Mercy Appeal will help support those who are there as they serve faithfully.

Thank you for partnering with us to ensure God’s tangible love is made known in times of need. Your gifts to the Mercy Appeal meet immediate needs and lead to Kingdom growth.

Matthew Skirton
Chief Executive Operation Mobilisation

* names changed

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