Want a first-hand experience of sharing God's love with Muslims in Europe and the Middle East?

Want to experience what it looks like to serve among least-reached people from a Muslim background in various countries and contexts? Would you like to meet believers from a Muslim background and long-term workers and learn from them hands-on?

Then Nostos Travelling Experience is for you! Join an intensive cross-cultural programme sharing God's love and involving a lot of travelling!

Length of placement 2 weeks to 2 months
Cost £1075 per month (excluding flights & insurance)
Ages 18+
Suitable for single people welcomemarried couples welcomegroups welcomesorry, no families

Ministry Details

The Experience will

  • Challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and live a flexible and mobile life
  • Expand your world view in a cross-cultural context
  • Increase your understanding of God's work, the needs and opportunities among Muslim people
  • Help you become more mature and stable in your spiritual life
  • Give you opportunities to try out your gifts, ministry styles etc. Nostos Travelling Experience aims at giving you a first-hand experience of what it looks like to serve among least-reached people from a Muslim background in various countries and contexts.

This is travelling to multiple locations across Europe and the Middle East. Our team spends between a few weeks to a few months in one place to come alongside existing ministries and then moves on to another place, always with a view to making a lasting impact.

Participants can  join for a duration between 2 weeks and 1 month at a time, depending on the current opportunities. Start and end dates are negotiable, and the application deadline is 2 months before the start date. 

Our practical involvement may include:

• Building relationships with immigrants
• Home visits with immigrants
• Evangelistic outreaches
• Bible study groups
• Discipleship with interested immigrants
• Children's ministry and youth work
• Encouraging, consulting and training long-term local workers
• Prayer ministry
• Helping with integration and language learning
• Practical help

Participant Profile

If you are flexible, mobile, you enjoy travelling and stepping out of your comfort zone, this opportunity might be for you!

We are looking for people that can adjust easily to new situations and are open to be lead by the Holy Spirit, willing to reach out to Muslims and share God's love with them. Knowing English would be helpful.


Usually in local team’s houses or other basic accommodation. 


Arranged by local team, by travelling team or individually, depending on the programme and accommodation. 


Please do not book any travel before confirmation of acceptance. Please note this is travelling to multiple locations across Europe and the Middle East.


Please inform the organiser of any health restrictions or allergies.  Participants are required to have purchased sufficient Travel Health Insurance that covers them during their travel and outreach.


British citizens can travel to countries in the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. Non British citizens requiring a visa would need to arrange it themselves. For travel to countries outside of the Schengen area, details will be given upon acceptance. 


Price is subject to change according to the exchange rate.

Individuals applying must be 18 or over.

Under 18's are welcome to apply but must have parental consent and be accompanied by a responsible adult. Children under 13 will be included on their parent’s application form. 

As part of our Safeguarding policy, you may require a valid enhanced DBS certificate which will cost an additional £15. 

Taking the Next Step

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