Wherever you are in your faith journey, and whatever stage of life, Operation Mobilisation (OM) are able to connect you with global mission opportunities to discover, develop and apply your God-given gifts as you step out to serve Him.

Talk to a Mission Coach

Where do you want to go?

Short Term Outreaches

Joina short-term outreach from one week to six months. Share God’s love with those you meet and explore how you can serve Him.


Author: Allister Fugill

Join Longer Term

Step out, serve others and share Jesus where He is least known. Use your gifts and skills to serve communities in over 140 countries across the world.


Author: Allister Fugill

REACH: Training for Mission

High quality residential training programme. Receive mentoring and discipleship to prepare you to join in God’s mission to share the gospel.


Author: Allister Fugill

A Gift of Love

Supporting those in need


£15 could help resource a new follower of Jesus being discipled.


£30 could help enable young Jesus followers in the UK become disciple-makers through training and events.


£45 could equip Jesus followers to share the gospel with people who may otherwise not hear it.
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Swipe stories of God at work

  • The business of transformation

    Beginning with her first business in 1996, Jo (Singapore) committed to using her entrepreneurial skills to further God’s Kingdom. Read more

  • One thing in common

    Life was a blank page for 19-year-old Abigail before she joined an OM ship. Abigail was made for the Ship Ministry. She just didn’t realise. Read more

  • Take every opportunity

    In a thriving metropolitan city in Eastern Europe Murat* opens his shop ready for another day of taking every opportunity to share God’s love. Read more

  • The body of Christ in times of crisis

    This February marks a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Read about the response of the local Church. Read more

  • How can we revitalise our Christian youth?

    Matthew Skirton, UK Chief Executive, is passionate about seeing the next generation of Jesus followers boldly live out their faith. Read more

  • Four reasons cities matter for mission

    Cities are vitally important for the future of world mission. We must invest in cities as key places of impact and strategic mobilisation. Read more

  • Providing a safe space

    Andrew Harwood works among refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham and the Black Country. OM writer, Nicky Andrews, asked him about the ministry he is a part of. Read more

  • Three things we've discovered since saying 'yes' to God's call

    Steve and Sandie joined OM in 1985. Their ministry with OM has led them to many corners of the world, including Belgium, India, Bangladesh, the UK and numerous port cities on board OM's ship, Doulos. Read more

  • The core of discipleship

    Nadar and his wife continue to choose to serve in their home country of Pakistan where they work to see many more Jesus followers equipped and inspired to share their faith with neighbours and friends. Read more

  • Transformation through education

    By giving young people a chance to continue their education, Jo explains: “we become God’s instruments in transforming their lives." Read more

  • A place amongst the nations

    Stacy shares God's love through her medical skills, serving the nations from East Africa to the US-Mexico border to the Middle East. Read more

  • Joining in with God's mission

    Raffy joined the TeenStreet team as a young leader after taking part in the Gap Year Challenge and serving with outreach teams in the Himalayas and Moldova. Read more

Swipe featured outreaches

  • GROW Programme

    GROW is a flexible 6–12 month development programme for students and graduates who want to use their degree and profession to serve God’s mission around the world. Read more

  • Race Across Europe

    Embark on a transformative journey where faith, mission, and exploration intersect in the heart of Europe! Read more

  • Poland: Serving War Refugees Warsaw

    Come and share God's love with refugees affected by the war in Ukraine who are seeking safety in Poland. Read more

  • Moldova: Village Outreach

    Support local churches in their ministries by reaching out to children, youth, and elderly in villages. Read more

  • Logos Hope: 3 month STEP

    Serve God on board OM's ship, Logos Hope, for 3 months. Read more

Swipe training for mission

  • REACH in Taiwan

    REACH in Taiwan exists to train believers in Spiritual Formation, to grow in their knowledge of, intimacy with and obedience to God Read more

  • REACH in Zambia

    REACH in Zambia exists to train believers in Spiritual Formation, to grow in their knowledge of, intimacy with and obedience to God Read more

  • REACH in Ghana 2025

    REACH in Ghana exists to inspire, disciple and equip Jesus followers to move into a different cultural context and reach the least reached with the gospel! Read more

  • REACH in Brazil 2025

    REACH In Brazil offers an exciting introduction to cross cultural mission for Portuguese or Spanish speakers, while helping them deepen their relationship with God and to grow in discipleship. Read more

  • REACH in South Africa

    REACH South Africa is an intensive programme which is focused on helping you to live life and to be equipped for the future ministry opportunities. Read more

  • REACH in the UK 2025

    Embark on a life changing cross-cultural mission experience, discover God's purpose for your life and join an adventure that will impact you and the world around you! Read more

Homepage video

  • Join OM Ships Today!

    Are you Flexible, Adaptable and Teachable? You will be after you serve with OM Ships! Find out more about life on board Logos Hope and Doulos Hope.

    Find out more

God is using us

  • It was life changing, and I really appreciate the opportunity. I am far more mature spiritually and in general.

    Jothan - 3 months onboard Logos Hope

  • “When asking Muslim Background Believers who have taken months to get to a fairly safe place only a few miles to Hungary what they wanted our church to pray for. I was humbled when they said 'more of the Holy Spirit'. I would have asked for asylum in the EU. Their commitment to their faith was so strong I felt ashamed at my shallowness.”

    Tom- 1 week in Serbia

  • REACH was a great experience which provided an opportunity for real personal and spiritual growth. It allowed me to learn more about how to live as a disciple of Jesus and opened my eyes to the urgent need of the gospel to be shared in Europe.

    Clare- 6 months REACH Europe

  • So, what specifically have I learnt? The people in North Africa are some of the kindest, most welcoming, friendly people you will ever meet. And that God has a huge heart for, not only these people, but for the people of the world as a whole.

    Claire- 3 weeks North Africa