OM’s vision is to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. We focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting among those who have not yet heard of Christ. Do you want to be involved in pioneering or joining church planting initiatives? If so, we are looking for you, and many more like you, to join one of our teams around the world for 1 year, 2 years or longer.

"The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour." – 1 Corinthians 3:8

The DNA of God's global Church includes the reproduction of believing communities in every nation. In everything we do, our aim and passion is to see churches formed and self-reproducing, especially in places where there are few or no churches today. How we go about this is as varied as the people we seek to reach.

Church planting is long-haul ministry that calls for vision, commitment, flexibility, patience and sensitivity to spontaneous opportunity. In OM, this often means working hand-in-hand with national churches that have a specific vision to establish new fellowships in particular areas. It also involves training in missions.

Real Rewards

This is the rewarding part: You may not see waves of spiritual response, but you will have the privilege of helping develop new fellowships and training the people God has chosen for His Church. If you want your faith to stick and impact others, church planting is as basic as it gets. Prepare the ground. Plant and water the seed. Watch God grow it.

We work in many countries: You could be meeting one-to-one with locals who are seeking as well as new believers, encouraging and discipling them and being part of an expanding and growing ministry in Central Asia, or you could be using your gifts to reach out to locals, especially young people and students as part of a new church plant in, for example, the heart of Pisa, Italy.

You will need:

  • A pioneering spirit
  • Understanding/experience of church planting
  • Willingness to learn the local language
  • Humility
  • Flexibility
  • Patience and endurance when results might not always directly be visible
  • Pro-activeness: not be afraid to start new activities and try out different ways to reach and disciple people
  • A love for people and sharing the Gospel with them
  • Ability to work in a team with a servant attitude, willingness to receive and give feedback and to collaborate on a shared vision to make Christ known

Raising Support

Most people joining OM raise financial support towards the cost of their salaries/expenses. This is usually through gifts from home churches and other supporters. Training and support in this will be provided.

Join OM

If you’re interested in joining an OM team to be engaged with evangelism and/or church planting, please do enquire about our current opportunities by clicking below, and we will be happy to start a conversation with you.